Save up to 60% on
Shipping Insurance!

Save up to 80% on
FedEx Shipping*

*Savings through FedEx Advantage® Discounts Program

You Pack It...

Ship and Insure

We Insure It...

Ship and Insure

You Ship It...

Ship and Insure

& You Save!...

Ship and Insure

ShipandInsure RATES

  Carrier Cost/$100 Maximum
 FedEx First Overnight $0.18 $75,000.00
 FedEx Ground $0.23 $20,000.00
 FedEx Priority Overnight $0.18 $75,000.00
 FedEx Same Day $0.22 $15,000.00
 FedEx Saver $0.24 $10,000.00
 FedEx Standard Overnight $0.20 $75,000.00
 FedEx Two Day $0.26 $25,000.00
 FedEx Freight $1.25 $75,000.00
 UPS Ground $0.26 $15,000.00
 UPS Next Day Air $0.24 $75,000.00
 USPS Priority Express $0.22 $75,000.00
 USPS Registered $0.11 $75,000.00
 USPS Priority $0.28 $10,000.00
 Domestic Freight $1.35 $50,000.00
 » Click here for International Rates
 » Click here for the Rates Calculator
A $1.50 minimum charge applies to each insured shipment.
*Rates for some states vary. Contact us for verification.
Note: Other limits per underwriting approval.

Start Saving NOW!

To start saving money with ShipandInsure you must be a member
of one of the organizations listed below or North American Collectibles Association (NACA). Click on the button for your organization or HERE for NACA.
If you lead an organization not listed and would like to discuss a relationship,
please contact us.